ABC-RI researchers coordinate the publication of the e-Book “The Pharmaceutical Profession”

“The Pharmaceutical Profession” is the title of the e-Book published by the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Algarve, which may be useful for pharmacists, students of the Integrated Master’s in Pharmaceutical Sciences, or anyone interested in better understanding the role and areas of pharmaceutical intervention.

Published under the scientific coordination of two researchers from the Pharmacotherapy and Pharmacovigilance Group at ABC-Ri, Jaime Conceição and Isabel Ramalhinho, and a professor from the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University Fernando Pessoa, Pedro Barata, it included contributions from renowned pharmacists as authors, with the preface written by the President of the Portuguese Pharmaceutical Society, Helder Mota Filipe.

With this publication, consisting of twenty chapters, the editors aim to contribute to a greater dissemination of the Pharmaceutical Profession, honor all pharmacists who have played a significant role, and inspire future generations in supporting the evolution and development of this profession, maintaining the highest ethical, moral, legal, and deontological principles for the benefit of the general public and patients in particular.

The document is available in open access on the Scientific Repository of the University of Algarve ( and can be searched via DOI (

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